A fren of mine joined this singing competition held by the Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian. While i was there, i admired those people who have the courage to joined such competition and exposed themselves to the public.
HOWEVER, there are some people who does not joint the competition and has the guts to critisized other people's effort. i mean hey atleast they wanted to follow their dreams and who knows they might win.
ok for an example, there was this young girl aged 10, joint the competition, when she sang, there are other people complaining that she is not singing but she was spelling the lyrics, but then, she proved to these people that she can actually sing. she wowed the judges and now qualifying herself to final which is tomorrow.
AND of course my fren, ENDRA joint this competition and he also qualified to final. yeay..!! cant wait to see him singing tomorrow.

the stage

endra singing 3 songs just now and also wowed the judges.
ok after the singing competition, endra and i decided to watch the animal fair. and guess what, i take a pic with big snake, i think it was anaconda. and watch carefully my face expression. huhuhuuh

i was scared man.. seriusly
endra look amazing with the snake... and also he posed with.........

the monkey....
well until next time.. tomorrow im going to update in whats happening during the Final show k.