Chloe, from Guildford, is 12st 8lb, 5ft 10in tall and has a 38DD bust. But although she is the average size for a woman, in the age of the size zero model she stands out. The teenager, who has been signed up by the Models Plus agency, said most of her rivals were size eight or ten. "Everybody thinks you have to be a tall, slim blonde and I'm a curvy brunette," she added. "I want to show it is possible to be beautiful and not a standard size zero. "The reaction I've had is great. Other girls have told me I have really boosted their confidence, which is terrific."
Chloe added she is delighted to be picked as Miss Surrey: "It's really exciting, I'm really, really happy. I'm lost for words, I started to cry and everything. I'm over the moon.
"I wanted to go through to the Miss England finals to break through the stereotype that you have to be tall and skinny. "I wanted to make a bit of a statement. When I studied the other entrants for the Miss Surrey competition I concluded that pretty as the contestants were, they were equally all uniformly blonde and Barbie doll like
"My mum is really happy and proud of me that I am doing something not just for myself but other people as well and my friends are really supportive, they can't stop going on about it." Stevie Walters, of Models Plus, said that Chloe has a "luscious" figure at 5ft 10in, a size 16 and 38DD bustline. She added: "Chloe is gorgeous-looking and we are sure she will be snapped up by fashion companies who want to project a realistic and achievable image to their customers."
p/s: you dun hav to ve skinny to be a beauty queen.. learn to love the way you are
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