Thursday, August 28, 2008

fucKin' dIzzY

im so fucking dizzy..

i slept at 7am. and woke up at 8 3oam.. was doing assignment the whole night and of course that include chatting also

after woke up from bed, did another which is my presentation turn today at 1pm

so i finished my presentation work and when i went to class it turns out that i will present in next 2 weeks time.

came back home, continue finishing my assignment earlier on coz my beloved jana, sbumitted her part to me at 1pm as so i was doing the editing.

finish edit at 4pm and went to campus to print out our assignment and submitted to the lecturer.

and came back home at 5pm. i was so fucking hungry and lazy to go out to buy food and so i cook. i cooked chicken curry, fried chicken and some vege.

i ate alone. now its 7 15pm and i had replacement class at 8pm tonite.

so u see i havent had enough rest and now my stomache is bloated so i think i will pass out at anytime soon. but hope i can make it to class.. so damn fucking important.

and i promised naddy my fren to bring her some food that i cooked just now

and NOW my head is Fuckin' DIZZY.....!!

and YES if anyone get on my nerves tonite, i WILL EXPLODE.

thank you for reading this

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

daging goreng blackpepper

bahan2 :
  1. daging 200 gram
  2. 1 bawang besar dihiris
  3. 2 batang daun bawang
  4. sebiji tomato di potong 8
  5. sebiji kentang di potong dadu
  6. minyak masak 2 sudu besar
  7. secawan air
  8. serbuk daging black pepper buatan MAGGIE

cara2 penyediaan:

  1. panas kuali dan masukkan minyak masak, api besar, 10 saat kemudian masukkan daging
  2. masukkan ketang yg di potong dadu lepas goreng daging 1 minit, 3 minit kemudian masukkan serbuk black pepper segera Maggie. jangan masukkan semua nanti terlalu pedas, masukkan air agak2 sajok. jangan terlalu banyak nanti jadi kuah
  3. goreng daging hingga air menjadi pekat
  4. masukkan tomato yg di potong
  5. masukkan daun bawang. tunggu hingga da betul2 pekat baru tutup api

daging goreng blackpepper .. tomato dan daun bawang utk mencantikan hiasan

makan bersama nasi dan sambal udang perahan limau.

hey hey i love myself coz i know and can do so many things :P

cheers and enjoy ur meal

prank sms

i received a sms this morning just now. and its obviously a prank sms. it stated like this..

from: 0128401028

Sim-Card anda
Telah Bertuah
Hadiah Utama
wang tunai
012 8126553
Terima Kasih
ok obviously it was a prank right? c'mon folks, petronas wont send to u to notify u're a winner through ordinary num.. right? LoL and this is what i replied to them
saya mau report polis kerana ini sms palsu. Sindiket penipuan. Petronas x kan hantar guna num biasa. Tq


i dun need to pleased anyone
i only pleased myself..
i do what i wanna do

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i dun wanna be

I don't need to be anything other than a prison guard's son
I don't need to be anything other than a specialist's son
I don't have to be anyone other than a birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me

I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by a identity crisis everywhere I turn
Am I the only one to notice?
I can't be the only one concerned

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think about me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me

Can I have everyone's attention please
See, not like this and that
You're gonna have to leave
I came from the mountain, the crust of creation
My whole situation made from clay, and stone
And now I'm telling everybody

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I'm trying to do Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
I don't want to be

Monday, August 25, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

frustrated or not..??

you know how frustrated it is knowing all your highschool buddy has graduated already and you think you're the only one left, struggling with your study and not finish ur studying yet.....

huhuhuhuhu tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk....!!

ok i just receive a message from my very the best fren in Form 6, telling me he's in final year. i was like WTF..??!! time pass by like that ehhhh.. and here i am in MMU, doing my 3rd year, and i have another year, and add another more year to do chambering. urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i feel like to puke.. it does hurt so much. i do envy them. seriously. but not that envilious. well wat can i say, good for them and good for me coz this only wanna make me work more hard. errr hard ehh? im always playfull playfull huhuhuhuhuhuu

anyway, im happy with my life and i wish them luck.. last but not least

tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkk...!!!! i wanna graduate together gether with them...!! huhuhuhuhu

Monday, August 18, 2008

nasihat seorang abang kepada adik

oi budakk... ko nk dok umah sampai bila? mengangkang je keje.. ko da abis belajar kan? pi laaa keje..!! ko tak kesian ke kat mak ngan ayah yg penat cari duit.?? apa malas malas? ko ada cuti setahun kan? pegi ar cari keje..

dulu aku tak penah pon rehat lebih dari sebulan sbb aku suka kerja dari dok umah mengangkang tak buat apa. ko keje dapat duit.. duit babe.. jangan nk abis kan beras kat umah je.

ko ingat duit datang camtu je ke? aku lain ar, aku study lagi, masih tanggungan mak ayah. ko tu yg da abis study gi keje..

tak paham aku, ko dok umah asyik main game, tgok tv, online, tak bosan ke? ish ishhhh baik ko gi keje luar, dapat gak pekdah, dapat duit, dapat jumpa org.. ko nak jadi katak bawah tempurung ke?

Thursday, August 14, 2008


penat mengambil upah mengecat bilikk..

huhuhu dapat laa duit poket sket :)

cukup utk ke kl :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

question by a little girl

today my aunt came with her kids and wit my grandma. while i was watching my big brother playing PS2, suddently i heard my cousin asked my grandma

ayu: tok mak, perempuan takde telur kan? (this is when i choked hearing that)
nenek: apa dia? atok tak dengar.. (look confused)
ayu: perempuan takde telur kan tok mak. lelaki je kan ada telur?
nenek: ayu, mana ayu tau nie? saper suruh tanya?

i almost laugh like a mad man. i was like WTF..?? children nowadays ar, haiyohhh very advanced. oh by the way, my little cousin was just 4 years old.

Monday, August 4, 2008

udang sambal perahan limau

bahan bahan yg diperlukan..

  1. 40 batang cili kering

  2. 2 bawang merah

  3. 2 bawang putih

  4. 2 bawang kuning besar

  5. lengkuas

  6. udang yg secukup nya

  7. air perahan limau

  8. 3 biji kentang

  9. gula secukup rasa

  10. garam

  11. sos tiram

  12. sos cili

  13. tomato 3 biji

cara2 memasak:

blend cili kering, bawang merah, lengkuas dan bawang putih sehingga lumat. kemudian di tumiskan dlm kuali yg telah di panas kan.. tumis sehingga pecah minyak. kemudian masukkan gula secukup rasa, agak agak je laaa, dan jangan lupa masukkan sekali garam sedikit. pastu masukkan kentang yg telah di poting dengan cantiknya.. jangan potong dadu sbb tak cantik. gaul gaul sehingga sebati. kalau agak agak sambal yg di tumis tadi nak kering, tambahkan air sikit. make sure jangan terlalu kering kerana nanti takde kuah pulak

ok bila agak2 kentang da empuk, da tak keras, baru masukkan udang itu. ok masukkan sikit sos tiram (sbb nak rasa sedap sket) n sikit sos cili. Apa apa brand pon boleh laaaa. pastu kita tgok, sambal yg di goreng tadi da nak kering, tambah air lagi sket.

pastu bila nampak da nak siap da bau da sedap, masukkan bawang kuning besar yg telah di potong bulat2, bentuk ring. kemudian, agak2 da nak lembek bawang ring tu, masukkan pula tomato yg telan di potong cantik.. last but not least, masukkan air perahan limau. air perahan limau kena masuk last last sbb kalau masuk awal2 nanti rasa masam limau tu da takde da.. heheheh

ok da siap. maka skang ni utk hiasan, suka ati laa nk hias camna pon. yg penting nampak sedap. makan masa panas panas sangat sedap ya.. thank u dan selamat mencuba